The Santa Lie
A wise woman I met a while ago told me something about myself. She said that an event occurred when I was a child, at around the age of five to seven, that would impact how I would see the world. I’d thought about it for a moment then said, “Okay, I’ve got it,” as I recalled what it could be. I never told her what it was. Instead, we carried on with our conversation. This is what the event was.
It’s going to sound silly, for sure, but as a little kid it was a big deal. I was seven and I’d found out that there was no Santa Claus. If you’re laughing, I don’t blame you, but if you’re interested, I will tell you how this is related to the current events around the viral “pandemic”.
Santa-Mom, Santa-Dad, Santa Who?
As I said, I was seven and we’d gone to my grandmother’s lakeside home for Christmas. I’d gone to bed on Christmas Eve, obviously believing that a big guy in a red suit was on his way to bring presents. I’m sure that, with the help of mom and grandma, I had left some cookies, milk, and maybe some carrots for Santa and the reindeer.

However, sometime during the night, I woke up and ascended the stairs to the living-room where the tree was set up. I heard noises; women laughing. As I approached the living-room, I saw that it was my mother, my grandmother, and all my aunts sitting around the tree having a laugh.
I looked at the tree. There were presents there that hadn’t been before… and with different wrapping-paper!
“Was Santa here?” I asked.
“Yes,” they all confirmed. I think one of them joked that they scared him away.
I looked between the gifts and my aunts, back at the gifts, then back at all of them again… and I just knew. Of course I knew. How could I be so stupid? I thought.

“Oh,” I said, and I went back to bed.
I don’t remember how I felt or acted the next morning. I probably just played along like nothing inside my mind had ever changed, and I don’t recall the rest of the holiday either.
What I do remember, though, is pretending to still believe in Santa Claus for the next two Christmases. Thinking about it now as I write, I recall the anxiety and then the relief when it was all done. That must’ve been the year I was eight years old.
Just Go Along With It
My parents had asked me if I was going to write Santa a letter. I wasn’t going to but since it was brought up, I said, “Yeah.” I even recall my mom taking me to the post office where I was to mail the letter. They had a special box set up for Santa’s letters.
The clerk smiled and said something, and I embarrassingly placed my letter in the box. I don’t remember if the anxiety left me then or after Christmas morning when all the gifts had been opened, including the ones from “Santa”.
I wish I could say that I was a braver child to say, “You sillies, there’s no Santa! I’m not writing a letter!”
But I wasn’t and I didn’t know how to handle the lie that my parents, all my family, and everyone around me (the post office clerk, my teachers, and everything on TV) were in on.
Was it only me? Did other kids know this too? Was I the only one who’d been duped?
I discovered in grade three that, in fact, no, I wasn’t the only one who’d been duped, as I overheard some kids making fun of a few others for still believing in Santa Claus. The teacher told them to keep it to themselves, but I saw the look on one girl’s face – that look where one’s head cowers a bit and a shadow overtakes the facial expressions as suspicion and distrust flood the mind.
The following year was the same. Parents asked, “So, are you going to write a letter to Santa?” I think I shrugged, probably said, “I don’t know,” or “Yeah.” I knew it was a letter to them anyway.

One day, it was brought up again, whether or not I was going to write that letter, so I said I would and sat down on the living-room floor to write it. My sister was around doing her own thing and my parents were in the kitchen. Then, my sister came in and asked me, “Do you still believe in Santa Claus?”
“No,” I answered.
“Then why are you writing a letter to him?”
I shrugged and ignored her. She left the room and went into the kitchen where my parents were. My guess is that they asked her to ask me this and to report back.
They still hadn’t told me straight up that this was all fake, and I still didn’t know how to respond to it. For Pete’s sake, look at how much goes into the lie! All the adults and older children pretended it was true, movies were made about it, commercials are filled with it, even our newscasters are supposedly reporting “seeing” this character flying through the sky.

I saw my world, the ones with the things I could validate were real – myself mostly, my body, the houses, the trees – overlain with something akin to a multi-coloured, multi-faceted sticky paint superimposed onto it.
It is almost like looking at a house before it is emptied for moving day. You see the house and you know it’s a house; it’s got stairs, windows, maybe carpets, doors, but mostly, you see what’s in the house. You see your stuff, the furniture, pictures, the people, your pets, how bright it is, all your objects. But you don’t really see the house, not until it’s empty again. Then you see its frame, its structure, the scratches and dents on the walls, the dirt, the space.
I knew there was something beautiful and authentic underneath it all, but the real had been overlapped and interlaced with something sinister, conniving, and sly.
Bold-Faced Lies Laced With Truthiness
My suspicion is that the feelings I experienced over the Santa lie are similar to how many people – the ones who still believe the Covid-lie – are going to feel when they realize that the Covid-19 numbers are no worse than a seasonal flu and the facade by government and all their Covid measures are a ploy with a much larger agenda.

They will realize that their world and all the leaders and advisors who were supposed to be trusted to tell the truth and watch out for them are liars and deceivers, except this will rock their world much harder than a kid feeling duped over the Santa lie.
How are they going to feel?
What will they do? Will they go on playing the part in the scamdemic for a while out of acting the same?
Maybe they shamed people for not wearing a mask.
Maybe they snitched on their neighbors for having “too many” people in their homes for a party.
Maybe they bullied someone on social media for believing what they now know is true but don’t want to admit.
How long will that go on before they give up the role and admit they’ve been had?
It’ll be tough but it will have to happen. I just hope they do it a lot quicker than I did when I was young.

And when they do, the rest of us have to welcome them to the club, not with wagging fingers and “I told you sos” but with a warm embrace.
If you’re wondering what evidence there is, if you’re on the fence, take a look at some of the links and videos below.
World Economic Forum utopian agenda for the future: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/shopping-i-can-t-really-remember-what-that-is/
Lawsuit filed against the Canadian government over the Covid-19 measures (i.e. social distancing, masking, closure of businesses). Read the statement of claim here: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/vcc-statement-of-claim-2020-redacted.pdf
New CDC study confirming masks are more harmful than good: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6936a5-H.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2ihI4b9vqAag7zDBlumB9YMoLqsHZYKOre7GkCB4KJK_ScDJIxqN0TaSc