Tales of Self-Healing
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Lately I’ve been reading of accounts of people and self-healing incidents that are sometimes called miraculous. My two favourite books for these right now are The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot and Love, Medicine, and Miracles by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel (affiliate links to AbeBooks).

I haven’t actually finished each book yet, but what I’ve done is read the accounts of people’s amazing healing tales over and over again. They blow my mind, yet at the same time, it (innate self-healing) is something I totally believe is possible .
If there is a reason for everything, as the saying goes, then perhaps the reason I got sick was to discover how one heals oneself, a technique that over the centuries most people no longer are able to do, for whatever reason. I believe discovering that is my mission in life.
So while digging through my memory bank for personal examples, I found a few incidents when I subconsciously induced healing in my own body.
Was it mind over matter? Well, I consciously experimented with that once too and did not get happy results.
However, the successful tales come from when it was a deep, silent desire for the result – and I got it. I have two tales.
1. Age 5 – Tonsillitis
I don’t know what age I started to get tonsillitis or how many times I’d been diagnosed with it, but it was obviously a lot. I recall being taken to the doctor by my mother and the doctor telling her, “If she gets tonsillitis one more time, we’ll have to remove her tonsils.”

Then the news was repeated to my father when we got home. I recall my cousin having hers taken out, and I hated the idea of doctors sticking me with needles and knives and removing my body parts.
“You’ll get to eat all the ice-cream and popsicles you want!” my dad told me, obviously trying to make me feel better.
Hmm… needles, knives, and blood with unlimited ice-cream? That’s okay, you can keep your ice-cream.
Looking back, my thoughts did not come in words like that; in fact, I only remember feeling a deep unwant (if such a word exists) of the procedure.
Sometime later, it could have been weeks or months – I don’t know – I did in fact suffer from a sore throat… but this time, I didn’t tell my parents.
I ignored it and hoped it would go away. I think this happened at least once more later on, but again, I kept my sore throat to myself.
After that, there was no more tonsillitis! No more talk of removing my tonsils.
So was it mind over matter or just a fluke? It didn’t seem like a conscious decision to never get tonsillitis, so maybe it was subconscious.
2. Age 16 – The Tooth Grows Back
At age 11, after all my adult teeth grew in, the dentists discovered on an x-ray that I had an extra tooth still to grow in. There was no room for it beside the other teeth so they pulled a tooth out to make space.
Years past, almost five actually, and the tooth still had not grown in. So on one of my monthly visits to the dentist to have my braces adjusted, the dentists agreed, “If it still has not come down by next month, we’ll pull it down.”
A little alarmed, I asked, “What does that entail?”
“Oh, we’ll just freeze it, cut the gum open, grab ahold of the tooth, and pull it down. Then we’ll stitch up the gum.”
Needles, knives, doctors, blood… no thanks.
And guess what?
The following month, the tip of the tooth had broken through the gum and it was growing in!
Again, I obviously did not want the surgical procedure, so did I tap into some part of me that followed orders in order to heal, manifest, and get that tooth moving?
Okay, I said I had two stories, but there is a third and it’s a little bit different from the first two.
3. Age 30 – Experiment: Conscious Mind Over Matter… Result Unsuccessful

At age 30, I had already manifested some health problems, mainly food sensitivities, migraines, and a few other things. Like anyone would, I got tired of eating a restricted diet in which I had given up many of my favourite foods, like cheese, bread, anything with sugar, beer, sauces, dips, dressings with preservatives.
However, one night, my partner-at-the-time and I decided to go out and have a little fun, just a drink and some food. I decided, “Tonight, nothing I eat will affect me poorly. I’m going to eat what I want and enjoy it, pain free.” We went out for Greek food.

We ordered beer (I think I only drank one) and a platter full of almost all of the above listed foods – pita bread with tzatziki, humus, various types of cheese, and some veggies. It was glorious!
Until about 2:30am… that’s when I woke up in bed with a horrible stomach-ache and a migraine.
I threw up, and all that glorious food was gone.
So what is the difference between my childhood experiences and my adulthood one? Could it be that at age 30 the conscious part of my mind decided it would not be harmed and would feel good, but the subconscious mind did not believe it?
Was it the ego trying to take the reigns and tell the body what to do? I think so, because as I sit here and place myself back in those memories, I feel a difference. Also, it is well-known that the subconscious mind makes most of the decisions, so trying to override it in this case may have failed.
As a child, I seemed to internalize the decision and I didn’t speak about it, and maybe I didn’t even really realize that I’d made a decision.
So the question is, how does one train him- or herself to be the child example? I’m sure there are tons of self-help courses out there that aim to help you do that, but the simple answer might be that when facing something, we must silently decide and then emotionally pull back – detach – and carry on as if it is not an issue. Basically, put it out of your mind. If it comes to your mind, see it and put it in the periphery again.
Now this is not to say that you should ignore all your symptoms or do nothing about them – no. It is more about trust. Let’s say you have to take antibiotics for an infection or chemotherapy for cancer. You do the drug, do the treatment, and then not go into worry mode about whether it’s working or not. Trust that it is, and live your life like normal.
I have found often in my life that the things I want the most come to me when I stop striving for them, a practice that is still difficult to employ given our results-driven, go-go-go society.
Which reminds me…
…of a lyric from the Bjork song I Miss You, which goes like this:
I know by now that you’ll arrive
By the time I stop waiting
Take a listen, it’s a great song:
If you would like to have scientific proof and real life stories to know whether it’s actually possible to self-heal, take a look at chapter four of The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot (the preceding chapters are quite relevant, but if you want to skip ahead, I highly recommend chapter 4).
Also don’t forget Dr. Bernie Siegel’s Love, Medicine, and Miracles in which he talks of changing to a more heart-centered approach while working as a physician treating cancer patients (both are affiliate links to AbeBooks).
And don’t forget…!
…tap into that silent child inside who trusts without overanalyzing.
Be well.