Frequencies & Protecting Your Body
DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.
It’s been a sickly number of weeks thus the major delay in getting a post to you, so this one will be short and sweet with a couple of videos to guide you.
If you’re not an engineer, an electrician, or a communications specialist, then the following list might be helpful.
If you are one of the above, this is grade school. If you’re not and/or you want to dig deeper, read Are You Hyperconductive? to get a sense of where this all comes from.
However, I have found in my exploration into EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies), and all other frequencies that people put under the umbrella of EMF that, as a non-techy kind of person (my speciality is linguistics, words, and the healing arts), the frequencies that abound our environment are a bit more complex than I once knew.
So I threw together this simple list of some acronyms and their meanings. Of course, more information is a click away if you need more.
RF – Radio Frequency
EMF – Electromagnetic Frequency or Electromagnetic Force or Electromagnetic Field
ELF– Extremely Low Frequency — Radio waves from 3 Hz to 30 Hz. Example: Lightening & other “natural disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field”, submarine communication

LF– low frequency — 30k Hz to 300 kHz. Example: AM radio frequency broadcasting, submarine communication (up to 50 kHz)
Microwave – 1 GHz to over 100 GHz, normally divided up into different bands. Check out this neat chart on EverythingRF.com for examples on each band.
GHz– Gigahertz — frequencies equivalent to one thousand million (109) cycles per second.
Thz – Terahertz, a.k.a. submillimetre radiation — 300 Ghz to 3 Thz — frequencies equivalent to one thousand million (1012) cycles per second. THESE FREQUENCIES CAN ALTER YOUR DNA!! Read the document at this link: https://independz.wixsite.com/terrahertz-scramble

Electric fields (anything that is powered with electricity, i.e. appliances, electronics, electrical wiring, power cords).
Magnetic fields (imbalanced wiring, motors such as that on your fridge, clock radios, the power meter for your house):
Power lines
Metal plumbing
Wireless communication (cell phones, tablets, cell phone towers, cordless phones and their bases). These emit both electric fields and magnetic fields. Children are most susceptible to these.
Since the frequencies are everywhere now, we need some protection. There are lots of things you can do, like wear protective clothing, such as the trunks by Lambs in the picture to the right (affiliate link with 15% off for you).
You can order other protective clothing on Amazon, eBay, and LessEMF (affiliate link), or you can order the fabric and make your own!
To make your own, I encourage you to check out the YouTube channel HerbsPlusBeadWorks for lots of DIY stuff.
You might wonder, do these clothes really work? Be sure to read the company’s research page and even email them for clarification on anything. I tested some of these clothes out myself over a period of about five months — you can read these anecdotal stories here.
In the videos below, I show you some fabric that can block some frequencies and protect your body.
So does the material work? Check out the next video:
For the nickel fabric, there are a number of eBay stores that sell it. The one I got mine from is no longer listed on eBay, but there are plenty of others.
For an electrosmog meter, there are also many to choose from — it all depends on how much you want to spend and how basic or fancy you want to be. This particular one is called Cornet and cost around $145 CAD. Check out LessEMF (affiliate link), eBay, Amazon, or AliExpress.com.
Keep researching, trying things out, sharing what you learn. We are meant to help each other out, not be lone (lonely) wolves in a sea of people.

[…] a bit into some of the clandestine operations, such as chemtrailing, nano-particle poisoning, and EMF exposure. These practices, I believe, are tightly tied into the hijacking of our food including the health […]
[…] evidence that EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies – an umbrella term used these days to encompass all types of frequencies, like dirty electricity, microwave, radio frequencies, etc.), including WIFI and cell phone […]
[…] Tony says: Frequencies being picked up by the brain are not always picked up by the ear (or eye, such as with lifi). […]
[…] well beyond what we do in these three dimensions and beyond visible light. We know for a fact that we are affected by unseen energy, like radio waves and microwave radiation, but I think our potential abilities go much farther than […]