Liberty Talk Interview With Odessa
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Back in February, I had the pleasure of speaking with Odessa Orleweitz of Liberty Talk With Odessa and Librti.com as well as with my friend Tony Pantalleresco on the topic of nanoparticle poisoning.
We discuss things like how I discovered the anti-nano protocol and how it works, and we show you some close-up pictures of some of the weird ‘beasties’ that came out of my body when expelling nano fibres.
Tony explains a few things as well. Sometimes explanation get a bit long so if you come up with questions, please write them down and send them to me.
The word nanoparticle is picking up more attention lately, for example, have you heard that the government of Canada quietly put out a health advisory stating that some face masks contain nanomaterial, specifically graphene, that can be harmful to your health?
Once nanotech gets inside the body, it wreaks havoc and is difficult to get out, but there are some ways. So, without further ado, here’s the video…
Oh, one last thing, be sure to check out more of Odessa’s work on Librti.com.