Gut Damage by Nanoparticles + Easy Probiotics You Can Make at Home
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Why am I still talking about gut health?
Because most people nowadays deal with some sort of issue that directs back to a damaged digestive system, including autoimmune diseases like lupus, Lyme disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Since I learned about the nano-detox protocol from Tony Pantalleresco back in 2017, I have incorporated his methods along with the many I tried and refined (I let go of many that didn’t work, too), and one of those very simple strategies is the anti-nano diet. That’s not an official name, by the way.
Why do you want a diet without programmable nanoparticles? Because like any pathogen, they will alter the functioning of your gut which then alters your brain function.
Here is one such study that discusses the toxicity of nanoparticles, including silica and titanium dioxide, on gut microbiome and intestinal permeability.

Oh, What to Eat!
When people ask me, “Fiona, what do you eat?” I tell them that I avoid anything that could potentially be exposed to nanoparticle fallout from the sky (i.e. pesticides, chemtrail soup ingredients). I choose things such as any fruit or vegetable that can be peeled, is grown underground, or grown inside (i.e. greenhouse, hydroponics).

For meat and dairy, I look for the best quality stuff I can find and afford and I cut out all the rest. That means no junk food, no grains, no GMO corn or soy products, and most packaged things in a grocery store due to the many additives and sugar they contain.
At the moment I’m trying out the carnivore diet (I’m on day 10 now) as a way to help me recover from the partial bowel blockage and infection I had this past summer.
Now, I know that restricting your food intake like I do can be quite a change for some people, but I do feel it’s okay to deviate from these guidelines from time to time. Just be careful you don’t fall back into eating ‘a little bit here and a little bit there’ until you’re back on all the junk again.
So, what kind of probiotic foods are best, ones you can make at home? Here are my favourites.
This is SOOO easy to make.
All you need is cabbage, water, and salt. To have the cleanest version of sauerkraut, be sure you remove at least a layer or two of the outer leaves of your cabbage.
For water, use ideally distilled or reverse osmosis water, but if all you have is a filter, then that will do.

For salt, be sure to get some kind of sea salt – don’t use ‘table’ salt or ‘iodized’ salt. These have been stripped of their minerals. Only iodine has been placed back into it, so you’re not getting much benefit from this salt (Note: In Mexico, the ‘table’ salt is stripped and then iodized AND fluoridated!).
How to make it
- Slice the cabbage into thin strips.
- Pour some water in a large bowl and add lots of salt. For a large mixing bowl, you may want to start with 1 to 2 tablespoons. Dissolve the salt then taste test it. Is it salty? Does it taste like the ocean? If not, add some more salt, stir it until dissolved, then test again. Once you can taste the ocean, you probably have enough salt.
- Add your cabbage. (You can also add little strips of carrot). You may need to add water, and if you do, add a bit more salt. Mix.
- Put a small plate over the cabbage in the water so the plate sits on top of the water-cabbage mix. This hold the cabbage down into the water.
- Let it sit for 24 hours, then remove the plate-lid and massage the cabbage and mix it up in the salt water a bit.
- Do this every 24 hours for three to five days until the cabbage has softened somewhat.
- Transfer the cabbage to a jar and pack it down. You can add bit of the salt water to the jar but you don’t need to. Keep the water in the bowl for another batch.
Water Kefir

This is so easy it’s a no-brainer. Buy some water kefir grains and follow the instructions on the package.
- Basically, you mix water and sugar and add the grains. This will cause a fermenting action to occur. You can add pieces of fruit to flavour it that you change every 24 hours.
- Ferment for about five days or until the water is naturally carbonated.
- Transfer to bottles and keep the grains. You can start another batch right away or rinse the grains and put them in the fridge for another day.
That’s it!
I hope this has been of some value to you. Cheers to you and your newly happy gut.
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