Welcome: Let’s Explore
My intention when I first began putting this site together was to share stories about my experiences with chronic illness, namely chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and Lyme disease, and to point people in the right direction when it comes to what sort of treatments to do and remedies to take. I thought I’d talk about the failure of the Canadian health care system and which allopathic, naturopathic, and Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments have helped and which have not.

However, these are still on the list as something to talk about but it won’t be the focus, as my perspective and knowledge has changed drastically in just the past few weeks and months in what really goes on and how it relates to you, me, our health, and our world.
I would like to explore with you some very deep and strange reasons why so many people are sick these days, especially if your diagnosis is an autoimmune disorder, Lyme disease, CFS, or fibromyalgia. In addition, I’d like to look a bit into some of the clandestine operations, such as chemtrailing, nano-particle poisoning, and EMF exposure. These practices, I believe, are tightly tied into the hijacking of our food including the health food industry.
I want to give you shortcuts on therapies, tips on how to approach your doctors (from a patient perspective), and where to find the best products like books, supplements, natural remedies, and devices. These things can help you gain your strength back.
I have tried a lot of things and I do still have a few of my favourites. Be aware, though, that there is no quick fix. I, like many others, am not quite ‘back to normal’ but I’ve made some major and unexpected improvements in my health. Peruse the site and you will discover!
[2024 Update: I can happily say that since I wrote this introduction in 2018, I have come so close to normal again, overall, that it sometimes astounds me. Living in a toxic world still requires some upkeep, but you can get ahead of it. If I can do it, you can too.]
To balance the strange and sinister sounding stuff to come, I’d like to share stories about what makes us happy (check out Happy Song), what makes us smile, what makes us laugh. If you’re a sickie with CFS or another chronic condition, then you might feel down sometimes. I invite you to share your stories with me… what do you do to bring a smile to your (or someone else’s) face?
[…] didn’t realize it until years after my health crash in 2014, but the time I spent facing my possible death led to years of unravelling emotional baggage that […]
[…] I have some holistic training, like reflexology, I was a kundalini yoga teacher, and I dabbled in dozens of different spiritual healing modalities. Then of course, there is the self-study that so many people end up doing when they realize that they have to be their own doctor and cannot rely on the mainstream medical system for answers to their persistent and mysterious health problems. So that’s where my ‘expertise’ comes from, in case you were curious (to get more overview, check out my introductory blog note from 2018). […]